skipping stitches

Thursday, November 18

Update on red delicious

It has been a very long time since my last post, the challenge quilt is well and truly finished, entered in a show and won viewers' choice!

Saturday, February 14

Block 1 finished!

originally uploaded by skipping stitches.
Just in time to download the 4th installment tomorrow! Black and White is proving to be a real challenge, but by outlining the needleturned shapes with a single strand of black floss the applique jumps out. The background fabric is by Anna Griffin for Windham Fabrics, her Dorothy Collection. She is a graphic artist who started in paper design inspired by old fabrics and prints.
Initally I planned to use the reverse of this, but prefer the right side up, even though it makes for a very busy background.

Wednesday, January 14

SCQCBD 2009 Challenge

Officially started this year's challenge even though 2008 quilt is not yet finished. We are making Esther Aliu's Red Delicious BOM. So two blocks have been published and the next is due tomorrow so I better get a move on. The hard part is done, chosen my fabrics. Decided Black and White and a quick pull of fabrics from the stash resulted in a full tonal range, with a touch of cream thrown in. They are anything and everything, novelty, shirtings, japanese, batiks, abstract, geometics as long and B&W they are in. Had to purchase a background and am using the reverse of a Anna Griffin Dorothy Collection repro look by Windham Fabrics, although may use the right side depending on what future blocks look like.

Saturday, May 31

Perth and South West

First set of pics of my flying visit are now up. My favourite today is this at the Conspicuous Cliffs near Walpole.

Monday, June 4

family on film

Snuck our early to see Romulus My Father at the Kino. Beautiful, sad, powerful film - a must see but be careful. You will get distracted by all the "I know that" locations. I was prepared for that and worked hard to stay with the story, but then - significant support character serves scones with jam and cream. "Thankyou Miss Collard"
OK who would she have been? Pulled out the remarkably well indexed family history. Miss Jane Stewart Collard b. 24 March 1879 d. 11 June 1967 was a good friend to Rai Gaita, along with her sister Mary McLean Lillie. My great grandfather's cousins.

Sunday, January 7


The colony of bees that have inhabited the wing wall that protects the fernery have got to go. They have become the tenants from hell and gone all aggressive. While watering the ferns early this morning (as permitted by Stage 3 water restrictions) two bees attacked for no reason except that I was probably in their flight path. I now know what I would look like as a character in Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Angel.

Thursday, January 4

my kind of time

Welcome to FastMail.FM. It's a little after ten past one in the morning

A non technical friendly welcome like this confirms my choice of a free email provider for short term use. I have to keep someone guessing for three months in a lead up to yet another away quilting event. Always fun plotting hints and distractors. BTW it was really only a little after ten past eight in the evening.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.5 License.